Li-Ke Ma (马力克)
Engineer, WeRide
I am currently an engineer in WeRide, focusing on behavior prediction and motion planning. I got my Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Baining Guo. I was involved in joint Ph.D. program between Tsinghua University and Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA). As an intern in Internet Graphics group at MSRA, I was mentored by Dr. Yang Liu and Dr. Xin Tong. My research interests include physics-based simulation, motion control and reinforcement learning. My CV can be found here. I have a personal blog.
Education & Career
Ph.D in Computer Science, Tsinghua University, 2015 - 2021
Visiting Scholar, Simon Fraser University, 2018 - 2019
B.S. in Physics, Peking University, 2011 - 2015
B.S. in Economics, Peking University, 2011 - 2015
WeRide Inc., 2021 Jul - Present
Intern in IG Group, Microsoft Research Asia, 2019 Sep - 2021 Apr
Intern in IG Group, Microsoft Research Asia, 2016 Sep - 2018 July
Intern in Megvii, 2016 Jan - 2016 Jun
Learning and Exploring Motor Skills with Spacetime Bounds
to appear on Eurographics 2021
Towards Robust Direction Invariance in Character Animation
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics), 39, 7(2019)
Computational Design and Fabrication of Soft Pneumatic Objects with Desired Deformations
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 36, 6(2017)
IGsolver is a C++ library implements several basic optimization algorithms (Newtown-Raphson algoritm for unconstrained optimization, SQP for equality constrained optimization).
IGsim is a tiny C++ library for FEM based deformable object simulation. It implements functions that calculate deformation energy, force, sitffness matrix and material gradient of neo-hookean materials.
Tetgen_gui is a GUI wrapper for Tetgen that facilitates the process of tetrahedralizaiton of 3D meshes. It takes in 3D models (obj/off/ply/stl) and outputs tetrahedron mesh, and supports exporting region information.